I read a column in the Post that noted that Republicans (not me) are growing more skeptical about evolution while Democrats are increasing in their belief, http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/post-politics/wp/2013/12/30/republicans-growing-more-skeptical-about-evolution/.
I then went and read the source Pew Research Center poll which was the basis for the column, http://www.pewforum.org/2013/12/30/publics-views-on-human-evolution/. This poll had a lot of interesting data.
The actual question being asked was whether humans had existed in their present form or had evolved, 60 percent of American’s believed that humans have evolved over time. HOWEVER of that 60 percent, barely half again (32 percent of the total) believed in evolution, while the rest believed in a version of ‘intelligent design’, that is any changes were guided by a Supreme being of some sort. Thus less than a third of American’s actually believe in a version of Darwinian evolution which is an interesting statistic.
The reason a minority of Republicans believe in human change seems to be caused by the growing importance of Protestant evangelicals in the party, you can look up the data if you are interested.
When I reported all of this to Ellen, she asked the question if there was a gender difference. It turned out that over 60% of men believe humans have changed while around 55% of women believe that. Ellen’s response was that the most likely reason is that women had to live with and around men …
For once I had not good response.